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Davy Crockett

Publié le par Dom

Davy Crockett's real name was Colonel David Crockett. He was born on August 17th 1786 and he died on March 6th 1836. He was famous as a frontiersman, soldier and politician. He took part in the Texas Revolution and the battle of Alamo. Have a look at...

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No Place Like Home

Publié le par Dom

What you have to know about Mary Higgins Clark . Listen to her interview, read about her biography and her novel No Place Like Home. She is one of the masters of detective stories. She is so famous that an extract from the book mentioned above was the...

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Donner des ordres à un chien

Publié le par Dom

Here is what you need to improve your pronounciation if you want to communicate with your dog in English ; listen and practise

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The Bayeux Tapestry

Publié le par Dom

La Tapisserie de Bayeux est un chef d'oeuvre unique au monde, il fut réalisé au XI ème siècle. C'est une broderie sur une toile de lin dont les dimensions sont de 70 mètres de long sur 50 centimètres de hauteur. Elle retrace l'histoire de la conquête...

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A tour in Navajo land, USA

Publié le par Dom

Have a look at the beautiful landscapes in Navajo land, USA. A paradise for holidays... Enjoy !

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Super size me

Publié le par Dom

Do you like hamburgers? If you do, watch this video ... you may change your mind..

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Améliorer son expression

Publié le par Dom

Pour formuler des énoncés complexes, transformez vos phrases independantes avec des subordonnées relatives ou conjonctives. Par exemple: "Al Capone was public enemy number one in the USA. His interests were in money and illegal trade." Al Capone, whose...

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Do you know what fair trade is?

Publié le par Dom

Farmers in the developing world who grow coffee, tea, cocoa, bananas and more, are often very poor. They struggle to survive. Fair trade means paying farmers in these countries a fair price for the work they do, and guarantee that the price they are paid...

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The Cutty Sark

Publié le par Dom

After watching the video several times find the answers to the following questions 1) What sort of document is it? a) a TV spot - b) a piece of news - c) a documentary 2) What is the name of the ship? 3) What happened to her? 4) When did it take place?...

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The golden door

Publié le par Dom

Do you want to know more about the immigrants in the USA? So have a look at the trailer of the GOLDEN DOOR! You'll find some information of the history of the country. That was how it happened in the past.

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