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Quiz on Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Publié le par Dom

Cliquez sur Harry Potter pour faire le quiz

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Harry Potter and the trailer of the Order of the Phoenix

Publié le par Dom

Watch the trailer of the movie and then play the game

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Jeu avec les mots

Publié le par Dom

En cliquant sur le fruit ci - dessus, vous trouverez un jeu très simple sur le vocabulaire de base du domaine de "food"

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What is Independence Day?

Publié le par Dom

It is the celebration of the Declaration of Independence adopted in 1776 in America. It took place in the Independence Hall, former Assembly Room of the Pennsylvanian State House, in Philadelphia. Thomas Jefferson wrote a part of the Declaration of Independence....

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Independence Day

Publié le par Dom

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Who is the Prime Minister?

Publié le par Dom

Gordon Brown is the new PM in the UK today. He is appointed by the sovereign. He is the leader of the largest party in the House of Commons. He lives at 11 Downing Street and works at 10 Downing Street , near Whitehall (the Civil Service) and Westminster...

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Greener farming

Publié le par Dom

This is the latest news from Farmers Weekly. Have a look at this video and try to understand what the tendency is in 2007. Arable farmers are concerned by the future of energy... biofuels for instance. Are they really carbon friendly? Can farming be part...

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Hotels for cats and dogs (1)

Publié le par Dom

Watch this video and answer the questions to practise oral comprehension.

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Hotels for cats and dogs (2)

Publié le par Dom

Answer the following questions after watching the video 1° Where can you find hotels for cats or dogs? 2° What are the services offered to the dogs? 3° Can the dog watch TV ? 4° How can you watch your dog when you're on holidays? 5° What do $75 and $80...

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The battle of San Jacinto

Publié le par Dom

THE ALAMO The battle took place in the 19th century between the Republic of Mexico and Texian forces.... there were many people involved in the battle and one important battle was that of San Jacinto. Few people survived. Davy Crockett is said to be killed...

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